About The Daycare Book Daycarebook is a directory of over 120,000 daycare and childcare centers in the United States.
We are focused on helping parents find the best help and education for their kids.
Thedaycarebook was built to provide incredible resources to help parents find the best information on daycare services, help, child education, and general parenting guides. We understand that parenting is difficult, and we are here to help you deal with any educational matters that might arise in the first five years of a child’s life.
Thedaycarebook currently has over 120,000 daycare, preschools, and headstart programs in the United States listed on its website. And we aim to become the largest daycare directory in the US. You may browse through the thousands of daycare centers already listed on the website by their types, states, cities and counties. We have provided basic information on each daycare, such as types, location, daycare populations, contact addresses, etc. You can also choose to add or update information on any child center on our website.